So, I've not posted in ages. I don't really know what to say. I keep randomly bursting into tears, I can't sleep properly and I'm so tired all the time.
I had an appointment with my psychiatrist and my boyfriend came with me. The psychiatrist asked how everything had been and if my mood has been stable and my boyfriend said everything was fine, except for not being able to sleep properly. So I guess everything's fine.
I just feel so out of control at the moment. I keep getting really sad or angry and I don't know what to do. But my boyfriend's been around for all of that and he thinks I seem ok so I suppose I'm just overreacting.
I'm just so scared of everything and spending tonight on my own in my student house isn't helping. I don't know what's wrong with me. I have nightmares every night and I wake up feeling awful, but then I do university work and I feel a bit better. But tonight I just can't get to sleep, the though that I'm all alone, it's just not something I'm used to. I know my best friend only went home a couple of days ago but I miss her already and I miss my boyfriend.
My parents are picking me up tomorrow and I'll be staying there over Easter so I'm sure everything will be ok. Here's to hoping.