Wednesday 19 April 2017

Day 199 of university

I've been feeling a bit worse again the past few days, but I was reluctant to post anything because I was hoping it'd pass. I dyed a pattern on my arm in henna a couple days ago when I felt like self harming. And it worked well enough, so that's pretty good. I haven't been feeling suicidal again either. So I suppose everything is going relatively well.

I had a break from the phenergan for about a week and was sleeping fine without it, which was amazing. But I'm not sleeping too well again now, so I'll probably end up taking it again. I'm a little worried that, if I do, I'll end up having nightmares again.

The psychologist is still focusing on the idea that I have aspergers and we're going to start working on the diagnostic stuff at the next appointment, which will probably be in a couple of weeks.

I'm still managing to get my assignments done, it just seems to take so long because I keep making stupid mistakes. If I just read things properly it'd be so much easier. And let's not even start about how difficult academic papers are to understand, I swear they do it deliberately. Anyway, I'm sort of managing so it's all good.

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