Thursday 14 September 2017

Day 90

I haven't written anything on here in a while because I don't really know what to say. I know some people are waiting for me to say something because they want to know how I'm really feeling right now but for the first time in a long while I honestly don't know. I haven't even been able to write poetry and I haven't even cut myself even though I've wanted to a couple of times.

My nan died about a week ago. I was on holiday with my boyfriend and his parents at the time. I didn't tell them so that I could try to pretend it wasn't true. He knows now and so does my best friend and they're trying to help the best they can: my boyfriend offered to help me write a poem for the funeral and my best friend took me out to buy clothes for it.

I'm eating ok because I'm living with my best friend now and we cook for each other and stuff. And I've not cut myself. I've been sleeping ok because I've been drinking warm milk before bed. I've been smoking more the last few days and I got a little bit too drunk the day I got back from holiday. But I've not had any alcohol since. So I suppose, all things considered, I'm doing pretty well.

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