Monday 16 January 2017

Day 132 of university, day 8 of 50mg sertraline

The tablets are still making me feel sick. I have never had travel sickness before but the other day it was that bad I nearly threw up on the bus. My GP said that it'll probably start getting better in about a week so I'm holding onto that thought. I'm trying not to drink because it kind of cancels out the tablets but I feel like life's just trying to push me right now. I've not smoked since new year though so that's all good.

I don't know what to do about the counselling, it doesn't seem to be getting anywhere. Although it's my fault for not taking to her, maybe I could write stuff down to take or you know show her this.That seems like something I could manage.

For some reason I wanted to cut again today, I've not wanted to do that for ages. I settled for binging instead but it's not the same. The only thing that stopped me was the thought of my boyfriend seeing it. I'm scared. He knows I'm on medication for depression but it's like he's not really had to see any of it has he. So I'm worried that if he does that it'll put him off me. Even though like he's made it clear that he doesn't see this as just some teenage fling I don't think he knows what he's getting himself into. Otherwise why would he still be here?

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