Friday 9 June 2017

Day 3

I'm feeling a bit better than I was but I'm still worried about my nan. She doesn't seem to be getting any better and they can't do much to help her. She's in so much pain and I just wish there was something I could do to help her.

I'm still not sleeping very well and the phenergan isn't helping anymore so I've stopped taking them. I think if I start getting up earlier in the morning then it might help. I don't know what else I can do.

My boyfriend came to visit a couple of days ago. It was nice to see him again, but it still seems strange not seeing him every day. I suppose I'll get used to it more when I'm back at my parent's next week. It'll be nice to be around my family because it's been so quiet here, as most people have already gone home for the summer.

Since I've finished university for the summer now, I've decided to change the counting on my posts. I want to try not to self harm over the summer, including smoking, cutting etc. so I think it'd help to keep count of the days. And I probably won't be drinking as much when I'm back at my parent's, so that should help.

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