Tuesday 21 March 2017

Day 169 of university

I've had enough of my classmates. My internal dialogue is bad enough without the addition of them during lectures. I thought it would be different to college, that people would be glad they're here. All the hype about uni is lies.

The field trip was good, I mean bits of it were difficult because for like the month previous I'd barely been getting out of bed or doing much but it was nice to have something to look forward to when I got up. And generally everyone else was more positive about it as well.

I found out the other week that I didn't even need to go to uni, there's training programmes for working on recording snails and stuff and you don't have to have gone to uni to do them.

I don't be here right now but I am and I'm trying really hard to keep going. I've missed a number of assignment deadlines and I was so close to getting help with them. But the learning facilitator I was supposed to be getting is off I'll almost indefinitely and they won't give me a different one so I don't know what to do.

Just being back in lectures is reminding me how much I'm struggling to concentrate and how tired I am with everything. But I have an appointment with a couple of people later this week so hopefully they'll be able to help. Just want to pass this year, it'll make everything easier. Wish me luck, I need it.

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